Nerve pain is a serious issue that many people suffer from in old age or as a side effect of other medical conditions such as diabetes. The issue often presents itself in the form of tingling sensation, extreme pain, numbness and muscle weakness in some targeted areas of the body. It could lead to one being deprived of their freedom to move without experiencing pain and hence affects their daily activities. PhytAge Laboratories understand the pain many of you face and have come up with a dietary supplement, Nerve Control 911, to help relieve you of your suffering by targeting the root cause of the problem.
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The Problem
Our daily functioning is a by-product of the proper functioning of the peripheral system that helps relay signals from the central nervous system to the rest of the body or targeted muscles and vice versa. When this peripheral system becomes faulty or the nerves relaying the signals get damaged, they result in excruciating pain being felt in the targeted muscles that are connected with the nerves. This malfunctioning of nerves or the damage is referred to as Neuropathy and its list of symptoms include extreme pain, numbness, tingling sensation and muscles weakness which in most cases happen first in the hands and feet.
The severity of the problem is different for all depending on their condition but there exists the general lack of comfort while carrying out daily tasks and if the issue persists, it might lead to hospitalization or amputation. Many medications are available in the market however, their side-effects surpass the benefits. These medications are produced to mask the pain that comes with the issue but does not remedy the underlying cause of the pain that one feels, it comes back as the medication’s effect wears off bringing with it a couple of other ailments. Nerve Control 911 is the result of extensive research that was carried out to target the real cause of the problem at hand, that too using natural ingredients to avoid the risk of any harmful side-effects.
How Does Nerve Control 911 Work?
PhytAge Labs has dug deep to find the real cause of the pain that is associated with nerve damage and has found a breakthrough of a single enzyme that is common to all neuropathies: MMP-13. This enzyme has been found to be poison for the nerves and if excess amount of it is present, this enzyme can make the skin on hands, feet and legs more vulnerable to nerve damage and collagen breakdown. Controlling this enzyme is the way to getting rid of the symptoms of nerve pain i.e. tingling feeling, numbing and pain that one feels in the targeted muscles of their body.
MMP-13 enzyme is generally found in a healthy body, however, pollution in the environment, blue light from screens and unhealthy light leads to the enzyme becoming activated. Continuous activation leads to the nerve endings getting damaged and causing pain. Nerve Control 911 is a potent formula that aims to inhibit this enzyme while also blocking other pain-triggering enzymes such as the COX-2 enzyme that causes inflammation and ultimately chronic pain; PGE-2 which is released upon strenuous activities using joints; 5-LOX leads to high levels of inflammation; TNF-alpha which promotes inflammation and destruction of bone and tissue; iNOS and RNS that trigger nitric oxide, causing inflammation as a result; and NF-kB, the blood proteins that promote inflammation. The formula includes ingredients to tackle all these enzymes to eradicate pain from the root and allow your body to be free from any pains or inflammation.
Nerve Control 911 Ingredients
The potent formula that targets all the pain inducing enzymes uses all-natural ingredients to inhibit the activation of any of the enzymes and prevent the nerves from getting damaged. The formula is inspired by the knowledge of the Malaysian Penan Tribe that used these ingredients for rapid nerve healing. These ingredients include:
- California Poppy- It is well renowned ingredient that helps with multiple illnesses such as insomnia, aches and nervous agitation. It is also used to relieve nerve pain, blood vessel problems, treat sleep disturbance and enhance mood.
- Corydalis Yanhusuo- This ingredient contains the compound dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB) that helps to reduce inflammation as well as helps relieve neuropathic pain. It does so by blocking pain signals to brain and helps to relax the mind and muscles to promote comfort and proper sleep.
- Passion Flower- when combined with other ingredients it helps to reduce nerve pain, nervous stress and anxiety. It helps calm the mind and relaxes muscles and nerved so one can get proper sleep without any pain.
- Prickly Pear- This ingredient is known to help with diabetes, cholesterol and obesity. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants which can help reduce oxidative stress in the body.
- Marshmallow Root- It has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps to improve and maintain hydration in the body. It helps to improve the digestive system, respiratory system and the skin.
- It helps target the root cause of the pain associated with all neuropathies.
- It helps improve overall body muscles.
- It helps to reduce chronic pain in the targeted areas by inhibiting pain triggering enzymes.
- It helps reduce other symptoms of neuropathy such as tingling sensation, numbing and muscle weakness in the targeted areas of the body.
- It helps support voluntary movement and reflexes.
- It helps maintain a healthy peripheral system.
- It aids with reduction in inflammation in the body and soothes the aches associated with tensed muscles.
- It helps improve mood and sleep patterns; and lowers anxiety and stress.
- The supplement is made with all-natural ingredients.
- It comes with a money back guarantee and free shipping.
The price of this unique supplement, Nerve Control 911, is quite reasonable given the list of benefits it offers. PhytAge Labs have priced it so low because the developer felt strongly about the product, having experienced a similar ailment and believes that everyone deserves a chance to live a pain free life. They offer two packages that you can choose from which includes free shipping and a money back guarantee.
The official site states that the supplement is recommended to be used for 90 days however you can start feeling the effect in about 7 days. If under any circumstance you believe that it does nothing for you then you are free to ask for your money back. With the purchase of the supplement, you get a 90-day 100% money back guarantee, with an additional $100 if you have honestly tried the product. You can order the package of your choice from here.
Verdict – Does Nerve Control 911 Work?
Nerve Control 911 is a wonderful supplement that is definitely one of a kind. The developer has gone to lengths to understand what causes pain during neuropathies and has then tried to solve that problem. PhytAge Labs has definitely created a product that seems better than its chemical counterpart given that it is made with natural ingredients and is free from any side-effects of addictive properties. This just could be your solution for the never-ending nerve pain that has made you lose sleep for so long, but the good thing about this product is that it need not be only consumed by those suffering. It can also be consumed by healthy people to take advantage of its many benefits as a multi vitamin so wait no more and order your package now!
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