PentagonFit Fitness Tracker Reviews 2020 – What is this tracker? How does it work? Price, Bonuses, Components and more – Is this the Fitness Tracker needed?
The world is changing rapidly now, more than ever. That is because the way humans live is changing the earth’s natural ecosystem. Which is again negatively affecting the humans. The human lifestyle now a days has gone negligent, ignorant and careless because the lifestyle is fast, modern and so demanding, that people have stopped looking after themselves. They barely engage with fitness routine and are following irregular eating patterns as well as have psych-sociological issues going on in lives. This is what gives people diabetes, obesity, dehydration, low blood oxygen, low sugar as well as coronary artery disease. Since our lives have been so caught up on smartphones. Wouldn’t it be great? If, there was a fitness tracker that could care about our health as well as check it but also kept track of every fitness workout and physical condition we have? The technology doesn’t upset, does it? There is a fitness tracker that can help organize an individual’s diet, fitness routine and pattern, as well as kept track of it. It’s called PentagonFit Fitness Tracker.
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What is PentagonFit Fitness Tracker?
PentagonFit is a wrist band but it is more like a wrist watch in a band shape. It is a Fitness Tracker from PentagonFit institute. It basically keeps logs of your progress from all your different activities. It keeps measurements of all the timings of certain physical conditions that might have occurred like burning or gaining calories. It also sends alert to a person’s phone or directly on the band letting one know if that person has a physical condition and something needs to be done. It tracks an individual’s energy levels by the amount of energy consumed and how much sleep an individual get at night.
How is it different from other products in the market?
There are companies that are making and selling these types of products and not just n limited amount but in bulk and many more companies are getting on-board in making fitness apps that synchronizes an individual’s health on its phone. The PentagonFit Fitness Tracker is solely used for Fitness Tracking and nothing else. Whereas other companies that have brought their tracker products to market use such wrist watches for entertainment, calling, and other stuff. Those products focus on fitness in a very careless way. The ones that actually track health are way too expensive. The cheaper products on the other hand have a degraded material in use. Such materials can’t help detect anything from body and merely do anything helpful, rather those products give false health information and may reach to wrong diagnosis of health issues which might lead to wrong treatment and might cause health complications. Whereas PentagonFit helps in proper indication of the problem.
How does it work in keeping body fit?
It tracks a person’s sleep routine, so as to measure how much sleep an individual get last night. It keeps track of an individual’s steps how many miles they ran and how many steps did they took while running. What was the pace? What was the speed? Did it cause any heart problems? It checks on an individual’s emergency situations. Just in case emergency hormones rise. The Tracker sends signals, alerts to the body. To body’s response to certain type of situation. It keeps track of how much an individual ate and how much a person shouldn’t eat or how much an individual should leave to stick to diet. It can track dehydration of the body and can send signals or alert on the band to alert the person to drink water. Just in case the dehydration levels are dangerously low. It monitors your heart rate and alerts just in case there was a condition. It helps one motivate to workout, exercise and get out of bed or couch and doing something. If a person sets and identifies its goal on the app. It sets goals to be accomplished every day to keep moving forward and doing something.
What are its components?
It is made up of plastic wrist band. It also has a digital part that does all the work it also helps measure, track, and keep logs of one’s physical conditions like burnt calories, and gained calories, dehydration, Sleep monitor and monitors heart rate. It has Bluetooth that allows it to connect it with a smartphone of the person using the tracker. It is water-resistant so it can track calories burnt during swimming too. It has an optical heart sensor that helps track and measure waves using Infrared light.
- Can Track heart rate
- Can Track sleep pattern and schedule
- It helps keep count on calories whether it is burnt or gained
- Can send notifications and alert just in case there’s a physical condition an individual shouldn’t be
- Helps motivate to achieve goals set
- Water Proof so it can be used under water while swimming
- Bonuses
The Product comes along with three bonuses
- A lifestyle book on “24/7 Lean Gevity Secrets” which has lifestyle tweaks to help customer that helps lose weight worth $29.95 free
- Instant 14-Day Access to PentagonFit Academy worth $47 free. It has meal and workout plans
- 60 day motivational emails and coaching worth $197 absolutely free. Helps stick to fitness regime as well as motivates to push limits and get more.
- 1 PentagonFit Tracker = $99 + $8.97 shipping fee
- 2 PentagonFit Trackers= $198 + $6.97 shipping fee
- 3 PentagonFit Trackers= $297 + $5.97 shipping fee
If you order on their website now. 1000 customers first only, will get the product completely free. Customer just needs to pay shipping and handling fee.
Refund Policy
It is protected by a 60-day 100% refund policy so if a customer is non-satisfied. Just return the product back and it will be returned.
Final Thoughts – Conclusion
It looks like an app that might help a lot of people considering the modern times and lack of interest of people in their health. It can help many people in different circumstances, as well as meeting new goals to weight loss and fit toned body. There no risk on payment as it can be returned through 60 day refund policy.