Turapür Water Pitcher – It is said that if the water has color, odor or taste, it shouldn’t be consumed for drinking at all as it can be toxic harmful or even cause diseases to a human being. Drinking Odorless and tasteless water is a blessing and can be achieved if right choices are made, after all water is important for our health and should be consumed for drinking safely. Which is why it is important to filter water for safe consumption of water, especially if it is a family and has kids; filtered water is the only option that is appropriate and seems right and it is. Which is why Turapür has made a water pitcher for family use or single use to filter out water for safe drinking.
Turapür Water Pitcher is a non-electrical appliance that has activated carbon filters in the core of the pitcher which filters out toxins from the water for safe consumption. The pitcher itself is a large vessel that has storage space for a lot of water. The pitcher has a film or a coating of Ion exchange resin that turns water soft. Than on the next stage water is enriched with free oxygen by magnesium, tourmaline, and infrared ceramics. This makes water full of hydrogen and safe to drink. The pitcher is BPA-free.
The pitcher can be used while cooking too. Since it has no electrical components and has nothing to do with electricity it does not have any mobile parts and is safe for kids to use as there’s no electricity involved. The filter lasts for approximately 80 to 90 gallons or around 2 months. There’s an instruction manual that comes with the pitcher that instructs the user with steps of how to set it up and how to use it, clean it, change filters and more.
The user can contact the Turapür customer service for any kind of help they need regarding the pitcher. They have provided email and number especially to address the problem. There is a 3-year warranty on the purchase of the water pitcher by Turapür. Within that time slot Turapür will replace any defective parts for the user and send fresh new piece for user to utilize. The filters however need to be changed within 2 months.
How to use the Pitcher, clean it, Change the Filters
First of all, take the pitcher out of the packaging and wash all its components the lid, the filter, bracket inside, and the pitcher itself with dish soap and take out the filter out of its sealed packing and soak it in cold water for 15 minutes. Rinse the components dry and place them the way instructed in instruction manual. After 15 minutes place the filter inside the filter bracket and run water through the filter twice to let it function. To clean the filter, add 4 ounces of vinegar and equivalent amounts of cold water and run it through the filter. After that rinse it with water twice and its ready to use. To change the filter simply use the tab above the filter and pull it out of the bracket and add another filter.
- It cleans water and removes odor
- Turns water into anti-oxidant and removes free radicals
- Helps body feel younger and better and energetic
- Price:
The pitcher is priced at $59.95 with 1 free filter. To buy yearly supply of filters for renewal. Go to website and buy $107 worth of yearly supply for $79.
Final Thoughts
Apart from struggles of changing filters and waiting for clean water. It is a very helpful device for users who need clean drinking water for them to drink and don’t want to spend money on expensive electric filters. Plus, its safe for kids to so it is a good filter option for families but also convenient for single usage.