Zenith Labs Hearing X3 Review (Update 2020) – Improving Overall Hearing

Zenith Labs Hearing X3 helps in improving tinnitus and hearing
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Hearing problems have become more common throughout the years due to a lot of reasons such as increasing noise pollution, poor diet, more toxins in the environment, our lifestyle, and much more. A lot of solutions have come up to try and help people with hearing problems such as the introduction of hearing aids and other hearing aid supplements. However, Zenith Labs Hearing X3 is by far one of the best and most natural ways to help improve one’s hearing. 

What is Hearing X3?

Hearing X3 is a health supplement by Zenith Labs that can help people with hearing problems. If you feel that you must raise the volume on the TV, keep asking someone to repeat themselves, and have difficulty hearing in general, then this supplement can help you a lot! 

The highly researched formula is compressed into a single capsule which makes it quite simple to consume. By just consuming these pills, you’ll be able to help protect yourself from the things that harm your hearing, treat your current hearing issues, and overall strengthen the ears and everything responsible for your hearing. The supplement is also manufactured by Zenith Labs which makes it even more credible and safe as they’re quite well-known in the supplement industry.

How does it work?

Hearing X3 works by doing a bunch of different things that help your hearing. First and foremost, it washes out the toxins in your body which are responsible for the death of cells. As a result, your cells related to hearing become healthy again, and don’t die as quick, helping you hear better. However, the real problem lies in nutrition.

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Our body has natural defense mechanisms in place to protect our hearing against the things that damage it. This mechanism is dependent on minerals and nutrients that are produced less with age, causing your hearing to deteriorate. Therefore, Zenith Labs uses a formula that’s packed with naturally occurring ingredients that help tackle all the nutrient deficiencies that are responsible for bad hearing. 

The “Hearing heroes”

  1. At the forefront of everything is a familiar herb in the form of the Gingko Biloba. It’s referred to as the “hearing hero” due to its effectiveness in fighting hearing loss. Gingko Biloba works at a cellular level to protect the immune system and helps prevents further hearing decline. The latter is done by flushing out toxins from blood vessels and improving blood flow throughout the body.

  2. There are other such “hearing heroes” too that work wonders for your hearing ability. Another one of these is Resveratrol. It’s known as the “Holy Grail” for improving one’s cardiovascular health. This nutrient is also responsible for reducing inflammation in the cochlea the area that’s responsible for hearing. This way, there’s less damage done, and the antioxidants can help improve your hearing.

  3. The third hearing hero is Gotu Kola that’s a powerful antioxidant. It helps protect the brain tissue by reducing the rate of cell death due to lack of oxygen. It also improves the blood flow inside the blood vessels and capillaries near the cochlea which means that there’s an efficient flow of nutrients to the cochlea that results in better hearing.

  4. One of the most vital ingredients to reducing hearing fatigue is a special vitamin-B complex known as Folate. When there are low levels of Folate in the body, it leads to the production of an inflammatory chemical known as homocysteine. It was found that people with low folate levels in their body most commonly suffered from hearing issues. Therefore, Folate, or “Folic acid” is quite essential to helping improve hearing in an individual.

    Moreover, what Hearing X3 employs is much better than the type of folate that other supplement manufacturers use for their products. The supplement uses the metabolically active version of folic acid, L-5-MTHF, which is the resulting compound when folic acid is broken down. It helps allow body folate levels to rise quickly and protects the body from “super oxidants”, which are highly dangerous. 

There’s more…

These ingredients above are just scratching the surface. These may be the main ingredients, but there’s more to the Hearing X3 formula which makes it one of the most complete formulas out there for improving one’s hearing. It uses other ingredients such as:

  • Vitamin C- It helps reduce hearing issues for elderly people according to studies.
  • COQ10- It provides an additional antioxidant protective barrier for your body. 
  • N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAS)- Protects ears when they’re exposed to toxins and shields from oxidative damage.
  • Zinc Citrate- Helps stabilize age-related hearing decline.
  • Astragalus- Helps increase the number and improves health of cells.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Improves energy producing capability of cells and reduces age-related damage to one’s hearing ability. 
  • Chrysanthemum- Provides an antioxidant effect.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid- Is a fatty acid that works like an antioxidant to prevent damage. 
  • L-Arginine- It improves blood vessels health and helps them relax.
  • Retinol- It protects inner ears from oxidation, which is crucial for preventing hearing fatigue.

The Results

By combining all the hearing heroes, and other ingredients, Hearing X3 comes up with a complete formula that works to improve the internal body mechanisms to prevent hearing fatigue. It uses an all-natural approach to improve and help our body mechanisms to heal our hearing because nothing comes close to the methods our body uses to prevent damage. Hearing X3 provides all the essential nutrients for the body to excel in its function, and additional nutrients to protect the body from toxins, waste, and inflammation.

What are the benefits of Hearing X3?

  • Natural protection from inflammation, oxidation, and toxins.
  • It provides the body with essential nutrients for healthy hearing.
  • It helps improve blood flow in the body, and the overall function of blood vessels.
  • Ingredients are 100% safe with no side-effects.
  • It also protects the hair cells
  • It prevents over-production of harmful nutrients for one’s hearing
  • It naturally improves hearing and complements the body’s internal defense mechanisms. 


Hearing X3 is quite reasonably priced. Each bottle contains a one-month supply with 60 capsules. You’re required to take two capsules a day for the best results, and one bottle can be bought for just $49. However, that’s not all as there are other deals you can purchase which are even better value for money.

A 3-month supply with 3 bottles can be purchased for just $117, making it cheaper than $49 a bottle. A 6-month supply with 6 bottles can be purchased for $198 which makes it just $33 per bottle! If that’s not enough, there’s a 100% money back guarantee too, so if you’re not satisfied, you’re entitled to a full refund.


Hearing X3 is perhaps one of the best supplements out there when it comes to improving one’s hearing. These problems a lot more common now than they used to be, and Zenith Labs provides a great solution. It provides an all-natural formula that enhances the body’s internal defense mechanisms to improve one’s hearing and flush out all the toxins that are harming the body.

There’s also a 100% money back guarantee which shows the confidence of the manufacturer in the product. Zenith Labs themselves are well-known for their supplements. Given that there are no side effects alongside the fact that the product is technically free with its money back guarantee, it’s completely risk-free and there’s no reason not to give it a try! You can purchase a bottle now, by clicking here.

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Disclaimer*: Individual results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, and cure any health condition. Please seek medical assistance before using any supplement. This post contains affiliate links, and the owner will receive a commission on every sale, with no additional cost to you. These views are strictly ours and do not represent those of Zenith Labs.